Thursday, June 15, 2017

San Juan Parkway Drive

  I was on my way after an early hearty breakfast. I drove the San Juan Skyway from Cortez to Telluride. The drive was lovely but would be better in th fall. I stopped in Telluride got me some Starbucks and drove back to Cortez.
On the way back, I stopped at the Anasazi Heritage Center and Museum. I enjoy a quick look at he Museum with artifacts going back to 6000 BC. I bought a National Parks game for the girls for when we go in July. I was glad when I received information to stop into the Welcome Center in Cortez and pick up tickets for the Cliff Palace Visit. When I got to the welcome center this guy informed me I left my Credit Card at the Museum. He seem to take a perverse delight in telling me "Have a nice ride back there" ASSHAT!  I was glad to get my ticket and information that the drive would be about an hour-and-a-half.

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